CCCPWD / VistAbility Success Story

Designing a system with CCCPWD and ‘VistAbility’ non-profit
Providing creative solutions for interesting challenges is at the heart of our mission. So when Contra Costa County General Services/Public Works (CCCPWD) contacted us about needing a new pressure washer, it turned into something unexpectedly special. Contra Costa County General Services/Public Works (CCCPWD) maintains over 660 miles of roads, 150 miles of streams, channels and other drainage plus over 200 County buildings, and provides services such as Parks & Recreation.
Initially they contacted us about needing a new pressure washer for their Wash Bay as theirs was 20 years old. The 944N, part of the Hotsy 900-1400 Series met all their requirements. But that turned out to be just the start.
During our discussions, our sales rep discovered that CCCPWD has been using an organization called VistAbility for nearly 20 years. This Non-Profit organization provides jobs for intellectually challenged adults. They learn job skills so that one day they may be able to work on their own.
Inspired by this community-focused mindset, our sales rep designed an easy to understand and use process with the equipment for the Wash Bay. CCCPWD now has two-hose reels on stands; one is equipped with a foam cannon to soap the vehicles, the with a wand for rinsing. Plus when the vehicle pulls forward, they now have a commercial vacuum for cleaning the interiors. Both CCCPWD and the VistAbility team are extremely happy and all the County vehicles, which include the Sheriff’s Department, are now squeaky clean.
We really appreciated Pacific Bay Equipment’s taking the extra step to work with our staff and the non-profit organization on a creative solution that supports the workers learning even more skills.
Manager R. Williams