How you can save money on water
Water waste is nothing to ignore.
U.S. industrial water use is estimated to be more than 18.2 billion gallons per day (from direct water withdrawals, not including water use from public water supply). And water usage spans an amazing array of industries including chemicals, food and beverage, paper and associated products, steel, electronics and computers, metal finishing, petroleum refining, and transportation equipment.
And before you think, ‘well we don’t really use much water’, research reveals that water usage can appears in all sorts of places at your facilities. For example:

Production processing and in-product use

Auxiliary processes (e.g., pollution control, labs, and cleaning)

Cooling and heating (e.g., cooling towers and boilers)

Indoor domestic use (e.g., restrooms, break rooms, kitchens, and laundry)

Landscape irrigation

According to the EPA, “Full costs associated with water use often vastly outweigh the direct costs. (And) water waste can cause harm to health and well-being of people and ecosystems by diverting water from other needs and beneficial uses. Reducing water waste can help ensure… a sustainable water supply.”
Common examples of water waste include:
- Discarding water that could be reused, such as treated rinse water
- Wastewater discharges
- Water used by high-flow appliances instead of more efficient alternatives
- Use of water in excess of necessity, such as the use of too much water for facility or parts cleaning
- Loss of water through material failures, such as leaky hose nozzles
Your Goal should be
“Improved Water Efficiency”
IWE refers to reductions in the amount of water used per unit of production. Water efficiency refers to the minimum amount of water needed to perform a task. The EPA offers a free Water Sustainability Toolkit that can help you assess where the leaks are in your company and how to calculate cost-savings opportunities.
Waste Water Management doesn’t have to be difficult!
Every business that uses water should be proactive about implementing water management practices. It’s not too soon to evaluate your company’s water reuse, recycling and management systems. Effective water treatment technologies can reduce usage by up to 50%, and enable companies to recycle and reuse up to 75% of their waste water.
At Hotsy Pacific, our expert team will work with your company to guide you on the best ways to save water, improve efficiencies and reduce costs.

We offer no-cost consultations to help you determine the best and most cost-effective options for your business.

And if you have an existing system, we can conduct a performance optimization check to make sure you’re getting the best results.

And when it comes to cleaning and sanitizing equipment that reduces water consumption, Hotsy Pacific pressure washers that run at a higher PSI can use up to 75% less water while rapidly blasting away grime.