Free 25-Point Maintenance Inspection – a $199 value!
Keep it running right! You can save time & money by keeping your cleaning & sanitizing pressure washer equipment running smoothly.

Our Free 25 point inspection is for both infield and in-shop. Please note that for outside service, the free inspection will only be scheduled when we have another service call in the area.
25-POINT Scheduled Maintenance Checklist
What’s included*:
- Check engine RPM or motor amperage
- Check pump oil condition
- Check pump oil levels; add or change oil as needed
- Check pump for proper operation and inspect for leaks
- Check engine oil condition
- Check engine oil level, add or change oil as needed
- Inspect engine oil filter
- Check drive belts for tension and wear; adjust
- Ensure belt guards are in place
- Check pressure and temperature levels; adjust
- Check coil for soot deposits and lime build up
- Check nozzles for damage or wear
- Check hoses for breaks or leaks
- Inspect trigger gun and wand
- Check couplers for O-ring wear and coupler damage; replace O-rings, if needed
- Inspect & lubricate quick disconnects
- Check burner for proper operation; adjust air and electrodes as needed
- Inspect burner fuel filter
- Test unloader valve for excessive wear
- Clear or replace inlet water filter
- Inspect electric outlet, cord and voltage
- Check pulley alignment, adjust
- Check detergent / chemical suction
- Check insulation for hot spots
- Check electrical switches
*Note: Some restrictions may apply. Call or Contact Us for more information.