Water Recycle & Recovery Systems

Effective water recycle system and water recovery systems reduce water usage, prevent contaminants from entering groundwater, and can protect you from penalties and fees. We carry multiple equipment brands including Water Maze and Mi-T-M.

Our Most Popular Water Recycle & Recovery Systems

Waste water recycle systems and water recovery system equipment is about conserving water, and keeping untreated pollutants out of groundwater and sewers through responsible practices to help protect people and the environment and comply with State and local Water Discharge Requirements Program (WDR). Failure to comply can result in your business operations being suspended, known as being ‘red tagged’.

  • Water Maze and Mi-T-M professional water treatment systems are engineered to meet the clean water demands that many manufacturing and industrial companies face, and designed to each customer’s specific wastewater management application using an array of products and advanced technologies.
  • We also feature Water Maze, Beckart Environmental, Wood Bros., and RGF Environmental Group systems and equipment.

We provide innovative and cost- effective waste water recycling equipment solutions that can reduce water usage up to 50% and reuse up to 75% of water, and also help resolve discharge issues, achieve compliance.

Contact us to discuss your needs and your budget and we’ll help you select the right equipment and configuration.

Mechanical Filtration – WTR

The compact WTR Series systems are great for small wash bay set-ups.

They are a cost-effective solution to filter wash water for reuse through a pressure washer or for proper disposal.

Quality recycled wash water without common odor problems · Easy operation and maintenance · Poly skid is constructed of hardened polymer to be non-corrosive and can be easily lifted and moved with a forklift · ETL listed control panel · Easily accessible pumps · Hose connectors are designed for easy accessibility and quick installation · 30-micron filters

Recommended Applications:
· Rental Yards
· Heavy Equipment Dealers
· Trucking Facilities
· Military Bases
· Truck Rental Fleets
· Diesel Repair Facilities
· Forklift Washing Operations
· Aircraft Maintenance and Restoration
· Shipyards
· Municipalities/State DOTs
· Oil Fields
· Engine Rebuilders and Manufacturers

All options can be added to the WTR Series after initial set-up.

Models Available:
WTR-10-0M10 208-230V, 1Ø, 15.0A
WTR-10-0M30 208-230V, 3Ø, 8.0A

The Importance of a Proper Pit System:
Once equipment is washed, the untreated wash water flows into your pit system. A proper pit system for your application is the first step in proper wash water treatment and a critical element in any wash water recycle system.

Consult with North Bay Equipment to determine the pit system configuration that works best for your application.

Product Sheet

Portable Water Recovery – RC Series

Recover wash water and help the environment while staying compliant. Wash water recovery is required by many cities and states.

The RC Series can make a complicated wash water recovery simple. With a compact footprint and a drain port at the bottom of the tank provides an easy option to clean out sludge recovered.

Product Sheet

Portable Water Recovery – PWR

The Portable Water Recovery Series allows for water collection and recycling while cleaning remotely. It efficiently captures and reclaims wash water for reuse or proper disposal.

The PWR Series allows wash water to be captured with the water berm to stop it from flowing down a drain or away from the area. The water is drawn into a holding chamber and pumped through optional filters before returning to the holding tank for reuse or proper disposal.

Product Sheet

  • 1/3 HP transfer pump
  • Oil absorbing boom/stick
  • Vacuum tank drain
  • 3-stage vacuum motor
  • Stainless-steel suction head
  • Cam lock fittings
  • 50-foot vacuum hose
  • 55-gallon tank capacity
  • 20-foot water berm

Biological Recycle/Discharge Systems

The popular Mi-T-M BIO Series System utilizes fixed-film bacteria in conjunction with coalescing media to treat waste water. Oxygen is added to the bacteria in the waste stream by venturi injection system.

Benefits: Low maintenance · Low operating costs · Simple equipment operation

Components: ETL listed NEMA-4 rated corrosion-proof control panel for safe and reliable operation · Hose connectors are clearly marked and designed for easy accessibility and quick installation · Mazzei® venturi air injection system, 55-0126, sustains beneficial aerobic microbes while preventing bacteria from turning odorous and anaerobic · Aeration pump, 3-0397 · Transfer pump, 3-0399 · Pressure manifold set-up is standard on BIO-20R-0M11 and BIO-20R-1M11 · Durable "True Union" valve · Slope bottom tanks are standard

Recommended Applications:
· Rental Yards
· Golf Courses
· Heavy Equipment Dealers
· Trucking Facilities
· Military Bases
· Truck Rental Fleets
· Diesel Repair Facilities
· Forklift Washing Operations
· Aircraft Maintenance and Restoration
· Shipyards
· Municipalities/State DOTs
· Oil Fields
· Engine Rebuilders and Manufacturers

Models Available:
Discharge Systems (950 lb. ship weight)
BIO-20D-0M10 - 230V, 1Ø, 15.0A; Marine Aluminum
BIO-20D-1M10 - 230V, 1Ø, 15.0A; Stainless-Steel
BIO-20D-0M30 - 230V, 3Ø, 10.0A; Marine Aluminum
BIO-20D-1M30 - 230V, 3Ø, 10.0A; Stainless-Steel

Recycle Systems (1,092 lb. ship weight)
BIO-20R-0M10 - 230V, 1Ø, 25.0A; Marine Aluminum
BIO-20R-1M10 - 230V, 1Ø, 25.0A; Stainless-Steel
BIO-20R-0M30 - 230V, 3Ø, 15.0A; Marine Aluminum
BIO-20R-1M30 - 230V, 3Ø, 15.0A; Stainless-Steel
BIO-20R-0M11 - 230V, 1Ø, 25.0A; Marine Aluminum
BIO-20R-1M11 - 230V, 1Ø, 25.0A; Stainless-Steel
BIO-20R-0M31 - 230V, 3Ø, 15.0A; Marine Aluminum
BIO-20R-1M31 - 230V, 3Ø, 15.0A; Stainless-Steel

230/208/460V 3Ø available on all models as options

The Importance of a Proper Pit System:
Once equipment is washed, the untreated wash water flows into your pit system. A proper pit system for your application is the first step in proper wash water treatment and a critical element in any wash water recycle system.

Consult with North Bay Equipment to determine the pit system configuration that works best for your application.

BPS Series

Biological Pit Enhancement System

The Biological Pit Enhancement System enables you to inject microbes and nutrients into water where oil collects. This will improve the quality of the water stored in pits.

  • 2 aeration pumps - linear pumps are used to infuse air into water collection pits
  • 2 peristaltic pumps - used to inject bacteria and nutrients
  • 2 aeration stick assemblies - prevents water from stagnating in pit systems
  • 115V single phase setting
  • Internal timers allow end user to control the amount and frequency of the liquid microbes and nutrient doses. The BPS Series can be set to inject bacteria every minute, every hour or every day, whatever the situation dictates

Mechanical Filtration – WLP

These recycle systems are designed to remove free hydrocarbons and filter water to be sent back through a pressure washer. They feature pH and ORP injection and are designed with corrosion-resistance tanks.

These recycle systems are designed to remove free hydrocarbons and filter water to be sent back through a pressure washer. They feature pH and ORP injection and are designed with corrosion-resistance tanks.

Features: Quality recycled wash-water without common odor problems · Easy operation and maintenance · Poly skid is constructed of hardened polymer to be non-corrosive and can also be easily lifted and moved with a forklift · Easily accessible pumps · ETL listed control panel

Components: Hose connectors are designed for easy accessibility and quick installation · ETL listed NEMA-4 rated corrosion-proof control panel for safe and reliable operation · Recommended Mi-T-M Air Compressor, AM1-HE02-05M, for use with auto-backwash models

Recommended Applications:
· Rental Yards
· Heavy Equipment Dealers
· Trucking Facilities
· Military Bases
· Truck Rental Fleets
· Diesel Repair Facilities
· Forklift Washing Operations
· Aircraft Maintenance and Restoration
· Shipyards
· Municipalities/State DOTs
· Oil Fields
· Engine Rebuilders and Manufacturers

Models Available:
WLP-20-0M10 - 230V, 1Ø, 25.0A; 400 sq. ft. cartridge filter
WLP-20AB-0M11* - 230V, 1Ø, 25.0A
WLP-20AB-0M31* - 230V, 3Ø, 13.0A

The Importance of a Proper Pit System:
Once equipment is washed, the untreated wash water flows into your pit system. A proper pit system for your application is the first step in proper wash water treatment and a critical element in any wash water recycle system.

Consult with Pacific Bay Equipment to determine the pit system configuration that works best for your application.

WTA Series

The WTA Series pretreatment systems can be added to any water treatment system for effective removal of solids prior to recycling. These set-ups offer the choice of 300-gallon or 600-gallon tanks.

Pretreatment Systems – 300-Gallons

12-0072 - 300-gallon tank with manual dump valve - qty. 1
20-1282A01 - Tank stand - qty. 1

WTA-300CL-0M10 – Single Phase
WTA-300CL-0M30 – Three Phase
12-0072 - 300-gallon tank with manual dump valve - qty. 1
20-1282A01 - Tank stand - qty. 1
3-0460 - Sump pump - qty. 1

WTA-300EXP-0M10 – Single Phase
WTA-300EXP-0M30 – Three Phase
12-0072 - 300-gallon tank with manual dump valve - qty. 1
20-1282A01 - Tank stand - qty. 1
21-0203 - Coalescing main media frame - qty. 2
21-0204 - Coalescing side media frame - qty. 2
3-0321 - Aeration pump, ¾ HP, 3Ø - qty. 1
3-0331 - Aeration pump, ¾ HP, 1Ø - qty. 1
55-0033 - Mazzei venturi injector - qty. 1

WTA-300SA-0M10 – Single Phase
WTA-300SA-0M30 – Three Phase
12-0072 - 300-gallon tank with manual dump valve - qty. 1
20-1282A01 - Tank stand - qty. 1
21-0203 - Coalescing main media frame - qty. 2
21-0204 - Coalescing side media frame - qty. 2
3-0458 - Peristaltic pump - qty. 1
3-0321 - Aeration pump, ¾ HP, 3Ø - qty. 1
3-0331 - Aeration pump, ¾ HP, 1Ø - qty. 1
55-0033 - Mazzei venturi injector - qty. 1

Pretreatment Systems – 600-Gallons

12-0069 - 600-gallon tank with manual dump valve - qty. 1
20-1287A01 - Tank stand - qty. 1

WTA-600CL-0M11 – Single Phase
WTA-600CL-0M31 – Three Phase
12-0069 - 600-gallon tank with manual dump valve - qty. 1
20-1287A01 - Tank stand - qty. 1
3-0460 - Sump Pump - qty. 1

WTA-600EXP-0M11 – Single Phase
WTA-600EXP-0M31 – Three Phase
12-0069 - 600-gallon tank with manual dump valve - qty. 1
20-1287A01 - Tank stand - qty. 1
21-0203 - Coalescing main media frame - qty. 2
21-0204 - Coalescing side media frame - qty. 2
3-0321 - Aeration pump, ¾ HP, 3Ø - qty. 1
3-0331 - Aeration pump, ¾ HP, 1Ø - qty. 1
55-0033 - Mazzei venturi injector - qty. 1

WTA-600SA-0M11 – Single Phase
WTA-600SA-0M31 – Three Phase
12-0069 - 600-gallon tank with manual dump valve - qty. 1
20-1287A01 - Tank stand - qty. 1
21-0203 - Coalescing main media frame - qty. 2
21-0204 - Coalescing side media frame - qty. 2
3-0458 - Peristaltic pump - qty. 1
3-0321 - Aeration pump, ¾ HP, 3Ø - qty. 1
3-0331 - Aeration pump, ¾ HP, 1Ø - qty. 1
55-0033 - Mazzei venturi injector - qty. 1

BIO-15 Series

A clarifier allows for greater settling and removal of accumulated solids in wastewater before treatment. This pretreatment makes it easier for water treatment systems operate effectively.

Components: ETL listed NEMA-4 rated corrosion-proof control panel for safe and reliable operation · Peristaltic pump is self-priming for passive automatic liquid microbe injection · Mazzei® venturi air injection system sustains beneficial aerobic microbes while preventing bacteria from turning odorous and anaerobic

Recommended Applications:
· Golf Courses - Designed to handle equipment wash water for various golf course configurations
· Solid-Waste Haulers - Able to effectively treat vehicle wash water, like that from garbage trucks
· Food Processing Plants - Pre-treatment of a broad range of food processing waste water before
· Petro-Chemical - Capable of treating waste streams containing multiple, organic particulate matter
· Anything with organic compounds in waste water

Models Available:
BIO-15-0M10 - 230V, 1Ø, 20.0A; ¾ HP transfer pump
BIO-15-0M30 - 230V, 3Ø, 15.0A; ½ HP transfer pump

Includes sump pump and peristaltic pump
230/208/460V 3Ø available on all models as options

  • Cone-shaped tank for easy handling of accumulated solids
  • Quality recycled wash water without common odor problems
  • Easy operation and maintenance · Easily accessible pumps
  • ETL listed control panel
  • Heavy-duty, corrosive-resistant and UV-resistant poly-skid

Fleck 9100 3/4″ Twin-Alternating Commercial Water Softener

The 3/4″ Fleck 9100 twin-alternating light duty water softeners are designed for water softening applications, such as coffee shops, small restaurants, pre-treatment for reverse osmosis systems and lab water systems, where 24/7/365 delivery of soft water is essential.

The computerized meter control is easy to set, and once set, the system automatically switches between tanks, so that you always have soft water, even when one is regenerating. Twin-alternating water softeners will perform efficiently for many years because they fill the brine tank with soft water and regenerate with soft water. They have a 10 year warranty on tanks and a 5 year warranty on the valve and electronics.

Never run out of soft water - 24/7/365
Keeps resin cleaner - regenerates with soft water
Saves salt because it regenerates "precisely" when needed
Eliminates plugging of injectors - fills brine tank with soft water
Never worry about setting the time of day - it doesn't matter
Higher flow rates - minimal pressure drop
Less maintenance - fewer moving parts

  • 21st Century computer electronics
  • Just two (2) moving parts in the water stream
  • 24-volt electrical system
  • Includes 3/4"stainless steel bypass valve
  • 10-year warranty on tanks
  • 5-year warranty on valve & electronics
  • Premium-grade resin
  • Regenerates with clean, soft water
  • Fills the Salt Tank With Soft Water - Prevents plugged injectors, saves on service!

Fleck 2900 2″ Single Tank Commercial Metered Softener

This is a 2″ full flow Fleck 2900S single water softener with NXT2 controller and 2″ Clack meter.

It is a very heavy-duty system capable of continuous flow and is available in 120,000 to 600,000 Grain Capacities.

Tank Information:
100% composite fiberglass construction
Outstanding performance and durability in harsh chemical environments
Absolutely will not - and cannot - rust
Requires no maintenance
Materials of Construction: Polyethylene inner shell (PVDF available)

Operating Parameters:
Maximum operating pressure: 100 psi
Maximum operating temperature: 110°F
Minimum burst at 600 psi
Tested to 250,000 cycles without leakage
NSF Certified
ASME Tanks Available Upon Request

  • Full 2.0" valve for high flow rates
  • Utilizes high-capacity ion-exchange resin
  • Utilizes NXT2 Programmable Controller
  • Up to 600,000 Grains Maximum Capacity
  • User friendly Fleck 2900S control valve with NXT2 Control
  • The NXT2 Network Controller uses on-board communication capabilities to link multiple commercial valves (via off-the-shelf CAT5 or better cables) for a variety of system types.
  • Safety brine valve with air check
  • 5 Year Warranty on Valve, Electronics, & Tanks

Evaporation – HGB

The gas-heated HBG system, available in carbon or stainless steel tank options, is capable of evaporating wastewater at up to 30 gallons per hour.

The combustion box in the HBG is made of advanced heat reflective material and features a unique energy-efficient design for reflecting the heat directly onto the floor of the evaporation tank for energy cost savings.

A high-efficiency burner shoots a flame, fueled by natural gas or propane, into the combustion chamber for unusually high energy efficiency. The unit is made of heavy-duty steel, insulated and double lined for both energy efficiency and safety

Fleck 9500 1.5″ Twin-Alternating Commercial Metered Water Softener

This 1-1/2″ full flow Fleck 9500 Valve with SXT controller and 1-1/2″ meter is a heavy duty system capable of continuous flow and is available in 120,000 to 300,000 Grains Capacities.

This system is for any application that calls for 24/7 operation because one tank is always online. If your application requires consistent high-quality softened water, then this is simply the best solution.

The fully adjustable 5-cycle control delivers controlled upflow backwash, downflow brining, slow rinse, rapid rinse, timed brine refill, and downflow service. It is easily adjustable, 5-cycle, downflow-brining control. The Fleck 9500 Control can backwash up to 24" diameter tanks.

5 Years on Tanks
5 Years on Valve & Electronics
1 Years on All Parts

  • User friendly Fleck 9500 control valve
  • Full 1.5" valve for high flow rates
  • Premium High Capacity Resin
  • SXT Controller
  • Up to 300,000 Grains Maximum Capacity
  • Brine tank has grid plate for maximum saturation of brine
  • Safety brine valve with air check

Fleck 3900 3″ Duplex Commercial Metered Water Softener

This is a 3″ full flow Fleck 3900 duplex water softener with NXT2 controllers and 3″ Clack meters. 

It is a very heavy duty system capable of continuous flow and is available in 450,000 to 1,200,000 Grains Capacities per tank.

Tank Information:
100% composite fiberglass construction
Outstanding performance and durability in harsh chemical environments
Absolutely will not - and cannot - rust
Requires no maintenance
Materials of Construction: Polyethylene inner shell (PVDF available)

Operating Parameters:
Maximum operating pressure: 100 psi
Maximum operating temperature: 110°F
Minimum burst at 600 psi
Tested to 250,000 cycles without leakage
NSF Certified
ASME Tanks Available Upon Request

  • Two full 3.0" valve for high flow rates
  • Premium high-capacity ion-exchange resin
  • NXT2 Programmable Controllers
  • Up to 1,200,000 Grains Maximum Capacity
  • User friendly Fleck 3900 control valves with NXT2 Controls
  • The NXT2 Network Controller uses on-board communication capabilities to link multiple commercial valves (via off-the-shelf CAT5 or better cables) for a variety of system types.
  • Safety brine valve with air check
  • 5 Year Warranty on Valve, Electronics, & Tanks
  • 1 Year Warranty on All Parts

Mi-T-M Biological Water Treatment Systems

  • Biological Recycle Clarifier

A clarifier allows for greater settling and removal of accumulated solids in wastewater before treatment. This pretreatment makes it easier for water treatment systems to operate effectively.

  • Cone-shaped tank for easy handling of accumulated solids.
  • Quality recycled wash water without common odor problems
  • Easy operation and maintenance
  • Easily accessible pumps
  • ETL listed control panel
  • Heavy-duty, corrosive-resistant and UV-resistant poly-skid

Water Maze Biological Treatment Systems

  • Low maintenance
  • Low operating costs

This popular bio series system utilizes fixed-film bacteria in conjunction with coalescing media to treat wastewater. Oxygen is added to the bacteria in the waste stream by venturi injection system.

  • Low maintenance | Low operating costs | Simple equipment operation
  • Hose connectors are clearly marked and designed for easy accessibility and quick installation
  • Mazzei® venturi air injection system, 55-0126, sustains beneficial aerobic microbes while preventing bacteria from turning odorous and anaerobic.
  • Durable "True Union" valve
  • Intertek Certified to UL-1776 – US and Canada
  • This appears to be a leftover from an earlier execution - remove.

Water Maze WB Evaporator

  • Submerged Combustion Wastewater Evaporator

The WB series is the first to use the extra high efficient submerged combustion technology to deliver 100% heat exchanger efficiency sending the heat directly into the water, not up a vent stack, creating significant operational and energy cost savings.

  • Evaporator applications normally have smaller volumes of wastewaters with characteristics that are too complex and expensive for traditional treatment methods. The process of evaporation is a thermal exchange of heat into the body of water.
  • Top-of the-line immersion tube jet burner components, with a solid-state flame control monitor.
  • Temperatures up to 2000°F.
  • Waste streams up to 120 gallons per hour.
  • Auto purge, auto start/stop and auto fill come standard.
  • Heat-resistant, heavy-duty stainless steel sparger tube.
Enhanced Design

Mi-T-M WCP Series – Clarifier Wash Water Recycle Systems

  • Easy to operate and maintain.
  • No common odor problems.
  • Corrosion resistant.

Our Mi-T-M WCP Series Recycle Systems combine enhanced design with state-of-the-art technology. These innovative and easy-to-operate and maintain water recycle and recovery systems are designed to designed to remove free hydrocarbons and filter water, and come standard with pH and ORP injection and are corrosion-resistant when utilizing polymer tanks and recycled plastic skids. Corona Discharge Ozone System to kill bacteria instantly on contact. Heavy-duty, corrosive-resistant base for years of maintenance-free operation and quality recycled wash water without common odor problems. CSA-certified.

  • Clarifier Oil/Water/Solids Separator collects mechanically emulsified particles while fine silt and particulates are dropped to the bottom of sloped stainless-steel tank for easy flushing and disposal.
  • Oil Decanter – Oil skimmed from the surface of clarifier tank is captured in an oil decanter where oil can be easily removed for disposal.
  • Sludge Box – Solids from the wastewater stream settle at the base of the clarifier tank for easy removal.
  • Customized Multi-Media Filter - once water has been treated for oil and solids removal, it is then pushed through a customized multi-media filter which contains a special media blend to filter out particulates down to 25-microns.
  • CSA-listed NEMA-4 rated corrosion-proof control panel for safe and reliable operation which meets the requirements of the US and Canadian standards for an Industrial Control Panel.
  • Hose connectors are designed for easy accessibility and quick installation.
Enhanced Design

Mi-T-M WLP Series – Advanced Wash Water Recycle Systems

  • Easy to operate and maintain.
  • No common odor problems.
  • Easily accessible pumps.

Our Mi-T-M WLP Series Recycle Systems combine enhanced design with state-of-the-art technology. These innovative and easy-to-operate and maintain water recycle and recovery systems are designed to remove free hydrocarbons and filter water and produce quality recycled wash water without common odor problems to be sent back through a pressure washer. They come standard with pH and ORP injection and are designed with CSA listed NEMA-4 rated corrosion-resistant stainless-steel tanks. Hose connectors are designed for easy accessibility and quick installation. CSA-certified.

  • Corona Discharge Ozone System -Wash water is injected with a high concentration of ozone via a corona discharge ozone injector system for a "quick kill" of live bacteria on contact.
  • ORP/pH Controller - For longer term control of bacteria, the ORP injection system automatically measures and injects a germicide to control odor by killing odor-causing bacteria. The automated pH control system keeps the water at an appropriate pH level so germicide is effective at killing bacteria and controlling odor.
  • Surface-Mount Sump Pump -Untreated wash water is introduced into the system via a 1.0 HP surface-mount sump pump, which is included with the system, located on the unit.
  • Poly skid is constructed of hardened polymer to be non-corrosive and can be easily lifted and moved with a forklift.
  • Optional accessories include a pH probe for odor control and ORP probe for measuring and injecting a germicide to control odor by killing odor-causing bacteria.

Contact us to discuss your needs and your budget and we’ll help you select the right equipment and configuration.

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