We’re proud to support a variety of efforts in our communities and share some of what our company and our employees are doing.

The Modesto Nuts
Pacific Bay Equipment is proud to sponsor our League Champions, The Modesto Nuts baseball team. You can see our sponsorship flags in Downtown Modesto.

We’re proud to be a participant in the Caltrans Adopt-A-Highway program to help remove litter and keep clean our section of Highway 99. The program provides an avenue for individuals, organizations, or businesses to help maintain sections of roadside within California’s State Highway System. Groups have the option to participate as volunteers. You can learn more here.
“Love Modesto 2023”
As part of the annual “Love Modesto” city-wide volunteer project, where companies and residents volunteer at one of over 75 projects to help the city, President Terrence Anderson volunteered to clean Parent Resource Center using the powerful new Tuffy PowerLoad pressure washer. Conveniently mounted on the back of his truck, Terrence made quick work of cleaning off winter muck and grime from the building’s facade.

Love Modesto
As part of Love Modesto, Members of the Pacific Bay Equipment team assisted the Operation 9-2-99 clean-up of the Tuolumne River Regional Park. We were tasked with picking up trash and pressure washing all of the benches along the trail. We used a 1290SSG on a TRB along with our Taginator for the graffiti.
We chose this project because of its proximity to our Modesto location. The results were a lot of laughs, team building, and a sense of pride and accomplishment. Some of us got to see our products work first hand for the first time. We even got to operate a pressure washer for the first time!
Modesto Chamber of Commerce Member
We’re proud to support the Modesto Chamber of Commerce. Most recently, we worked with them for the ribbon-cutting of our new showroom on G. Street.

Downey High School Football Team
We’re proud to sponsor these students and their football team every year.

Central Valley Festivals
The Central Valley is home to many ag-based festivals and events. We’re proud to support the Hughson Fruit & Nut Festival, the Hilmar Dairy Festival, the Merced County Fair, the Stanislaus County Fair and the Atwater County Fair.

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